About Me

My photo
Fort Polk, LA, United States
Memories of Yesterday & Today Designs(™) is a blending of beautiful digital pages, cardmaking and stamping to create a memorable collectible and special moments rememberabe for your family and friends.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

After the rain comes the flowers...

May 1st is National Scrapbooking Day... and may is filled with lots of things to do.  Let's head over to Coolscrapsdigital where I host a "Colorize It" challenge.  Join me at CSD  CoolScrapsDigital for a free mini-kit and lots of fun.

I know you will have a great time.. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Happy Scrapping... 
WhimsyOne (Qadirah)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Priceless Digi Designs

Whooo Loves You by Priceless Digi Designs.

Whooo Loves You

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring is Finally here.

Spring is finally here!!

This huge kit is full of spring flowers and ribbons and bows with a few spring critters thrown in here and there.  Beautiful blues, yellows & green make up the colour pallet in this fresh spring kit.
Also included are some glitter sheets & styles in the same colours, 18 papers, and 32 elements.

Announcing.. ZiggyFan Scrap Designs

Beautiful kit: Natural Girl is full of beautiful shades of blues, browns and beige's. The elements are excellent for those girly photos. Here are my creations using this wonderful kit: 

Natural Kit by ZiggyFan Scrap Designs 


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

SDD Scraplift

I love the inspiration from a "scraplift".  This was so much fun to create.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

LOTD at Deco-Pages..

I was so surprised to see that my layout was chosen on Sunday, April 18th as Layout Of The Day.  My thanks to all.  It was very comforting. Here is the creation:
They are together now (hopefully). She loved this guy so much.  They are and will be missed. 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

SDD CT Contest

I applied for a spot at SDD on their CT and they run a contest to find their CT members.  I think that's a great idea.  The mini-kit was provided for us to use and I have come up with these two entries.  Give me your feedback please.

Have a happy Sunday!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Our pet has gone... and will be missed.

This morning, our beloved cat lost his life after a very short illness.  He was originally my mother's cat and after her passing in 2005, he became my responsibility as I was asked to take care of him. He lived a good life with our family.  He was treated like a family member.  He had an ID card and a medical card.  While I couldn't claim him on my taxes, we kept up with his needs including his shots and checkups.  Yes our "Papa Gennaro" was a very loved feline.  As a kitten, he was very playful and used to love to run and jump up on you. As he grew older, he grew into a lovable and snuggly cat.  He seemed to know after my mother's death when I needed him to just snuggle with me in an effort to comfort me.  If I was sick, he was there.  When I had my stroke in August last year, he was sitting right by me, meowing and yelping to get the attention of my daughter.  Over the last few months' he began to show signs of age have arthritis in his legs.  He suffered from a bout of bronchitis and we thought he pulled through, however, it seems it was a bit more than we expected and this morning, April 17, 2010 @ 12:10AM, he passed away on his favorite pillow with my grand-daughter and daughter at his side.    He will be missed.

My grand-daughter says that her grandmother has come to get her "baby"... We don't know what goes on but it's a lovely thought.  Mom, you are always in my heart and thoughts... Papa, thank you for being such a caring pet.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Raggedy Kit by Erika Miller

Have you see Raggedy Ann and Andy lately?  Well, here's a kit that will surely bring back memories of those two lovable friends most of us had as a child.  I loved my Raggedy Ann and I loved her so much, her stitching came out and so did the stuffing.  Here is a kit that brought a smile to my face. 

The kit was created by Erika Miller and it can be obtained on her blog at http://steadfast-and-immovable.blogspot.com
It is full of everything "raggedy" Ann and Andy. 

It's full of color, whimsy, and delight.  Check her out at your earliest convenience.  She has some pretty amazing kits on her blog that I am sure will spark your "whimsical" side of creativity.

Happy Scrapping and Thank you for visiting my blog.

Monday, April 12, 2010

It's this just adorable..

This is such a beautiful kit.  I can't say much more about this except if you like the cool colors of blues, greens and an occasional yellow, you will love this kit.   
Check it out here:  Fresh Waft by Pasko Creations

Whispy's D'Zines beautiful kit, Powder Room Prim

Good morning friends, this is such a beautiful kit to work with.  The colors are bright and vibrant, there are lots of papers and elements to bring your outdoor pics to life. 

The kit can be found by clicking on this link:
Powder Room Prim by Whispy's D'Zines

Donna's Digital Designs @ Kreative Kreations Korner

Don't you just love this kit?
After the Rain Kit

Isn't it amazing? The blues and greens, the elements and papers.  This is a fabulous kit for spring pics. Here are my creations using this fabulous kit.  Check out my gallery for other fabulous creations/inspiration: Whimsy's Gallery

Sunday, April 11, 2010

New Card Sketch presented by Scraps of Color

I can't pass up a challenge... Here's my take on the Card Sketch, check it out at Scraps of Color.

New Card Sketch

Onward.. happy scrappin!

10 things about me..

What are 10 things about you? 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fresh Waft by Pasko Creations

Cool blues and greens, glass-like elements bring your pictures to life. Here are a couple of my creations for this beautiful kit. Fresh Waft Kit

Who do you think you are?

Have you seen the show?  It's so nice to learn about your family.  So I thought It would be a good idea to begin to make our heritage pages.  I created one for a challenge I participated in today and one for a new challenge at Scraps of Color.

 I took a queue from the census we are participating in now, 2010. This one I found last year. It's the census from the 1930's. 

Here I am with my grandmother, 6 weeks after my birth. My first introduction to the family and the outside.  I am so grateful that someone thought so far ahead to take pics.  Fantastic right!

My family comes from the Barbados, West Indies and Brazil.  Both of my great-grandfather's knew each other in the islands and they moved their families to New York within months of each other.  As you can see from the census, they seemed to have lived in the same household.  They had 3 brownstones and they lived in them. This also shows that there were 4 generations in the home so the grandchildren grew up with their grandparents.  My goal is to scan in as many pics as I can and scrap them for the family and possibly by the holidays, I will have albums for them and they can add their families to it.  (ambitious I know).   

Join me by starting your heritage or about me pages.  Feel free to post your links here in this blog.   

Onward... happy scrappin!

Napolitaine by Pasko Creations

Isn't this the cutest?  I love pink and burgundy and all things frilly.  This is such a great kit for scrapping your Easter memories, a wedding, a baby shower, etc.  The kit can be found here: Napolitaine .

Some of what I'm working on today..

I have been working at the Deco-Pages site today. There are so many wonderful challenges available to satisfy your scrapping addiction.   Here are some of my challenges I completed today. 

Lyric Challenge
ABC Challenge
Heritage Challenge

April Digi Swap

Hi everyone.. i'm on the mend but I wanted to update you on some of the things I am working on and maybe you may find something you might want to participate in. I hope all your weekends were fabulous.. so let's get started:
1. April Digi Swap at RAK scraps - I was paired up with a partner and we will be sharing photos and journaling for the other person to scrap.  The contest ends on  April 30th and my partner is "SprarklyDuck75".  Make sure you come back and check out both layouts.

2.  Visit RAK Scraps.. they have a ton of challenges already for April.  Lot's of things to challenge you.

Onward.. check back

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday... no scrapping

Friday was a brutal day for me.  I have been recovering from some health issues and I fell short on Friday.  I didn't get out of bed, but my mind was still thinking of things to do in order to bring order to an otherwise chaotic world.  Crafting is a way to put your energy's into play.  I am constantly looking for new ways to scrap.  Templates, sketches, techniques all are ways to express how I feel.  I would like to progress into designing however, some designers I have talked too think it is a waste of time.  I don't feel that at all.  I think any day is an opportunity to create.

Thank you for following along.

Onward... let's get scrapping!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sketch Thursday... I challenge you.

Hello there... it's about 5:30am here in the beautiful east coast and the sun hasn't risen yet.  Why am I up so early?  Well the birds are up and they have been chirping for almost an hour now.. who can sleep through that LOL.  Today here at Whimsical is "sketch" Thursday.  Do you use sketches when you scrapbook?  If you do, then you know how easy it is to bring all the pieces together for your page. If you don't, why not come up with one?  The internet is the best place to find "free" sketches for the asking; our creative eye is another way.  Your challenge, should you choose to accept it this week is to find a sketch either on the internet or create one of your own and scrap it.  Upload it to your favorite gallery and post a comment in the thread here so I can get over there and leave some love.  Challenge closes on Saturday, April 10th.

I created a template for my layout, which is easy to do. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Fling by As Sweet As Honey

Hi Friends and Family...
I worked with a wonderful designer who created a beautiful kit for the Easter holiday. Spring Fling is a great kit with lots of versatility.  Check out our fabulous designer and the kit.

Kit Link: Spring Fling

Okay, i'm getting back to scrapping.  Take care all.

Monday, April 5, 2010

It's a beautiful day..

It's Monday, April 5th... the day after Easter..Did you boil and color eggs with the kids?  Do you have left over hard boiled eggs in your fridge?  Well it's time to make after Easter egg salad.   While I was down with back spasms yesterday, I did boil eggs but didn't get to color them so I will be making egg salad (or someone will) today.  A dear friend of mine devils the eggs and adds shredded chicken to it and restuffs the yolk back into the whites.  It's delicious.  I'm gonna spice mine up with some minced olives (green).  I will scrap the finished product and post it later today. 

So it's your turn, let's see your scrap masterpieces of Easter sunday.  I will be back later with a few uploads, a challenge and maybe a freebie.  Can't wait to see your creations...


Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 1... Yeah

Wishing my oldest son, Andre, a very Happy Birthday.  I also want to wish my nephew Everette, a Happy Birthday as well.. These are my two April Fool Day babies... Hugs..

No scrapbooking today!!  Taking a rest until after Easter.. Have a great holiday everyone.